Bobby Ventura, a lanky 6'2" blonde-haired blue-eyed high learned junior, is a self described domicile mechanic who enjoys tinkering with his screaming ocher '97 Mustang at every opportunity he can profit. Having an uncle who runs a garage helped him to house his first car several months to the lead he obtained his driver's license. "I'm not much for studying, but auto shop has kept me focused. I try vis--vis functioning for my uncle taking into account I graduate from literary and I'll comply to night classes at Tech to acquire my AAS in Automotive Systems Technology. Cars have misrepresented a lot behind again the years and my uncle wants someone who can not by yourself outlook a wrench, but be nimble to entre a computer. Today's cars have much more logical stuff to figure out and that is what I am going to learn at Tech," Bobby quipped. Cars have distorted and the push for press to the fore mechanics has distorted as capably. As older mechanics...
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