Analogy of Kundalini and Ramayana

 Ramayana: Ram [soul] and ayan [journey] means a journey of the soul from period to eternity, from bounds of ego consciousness to the limitless expanse of cosmic have an effect on ahead and from ignorance to sufficiency. Ramayana is the spiritual science of spiritual proceed and intensify towards self-discharge adherence.

Dasharatha: Dasharatha means a person who is capable of riding ten chariots represented by ten senses. A person who can command his ten senses by his insight is known as Dasharatha. Dasaratha is the human being engaged in a liveliness of self-control, discipline, and piety.

The three queens of Dasaratha:The three queens of Dasaratha, Kaushalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi represent the three main spinal channels of vigor force liveliness Sushumna, Ida, and Pingala.

Ram:Ram is the soul or self-representing the unmanifest and immaterial essence of an individual, reflecting the ultimate realism, purity, and friendship.

The soul mammal unchanging in nature is indestructible and immeasurable, cannot be scratch, burnt, welted or on the other hand removed and is all by itself, all-pervading, stable, immovable and ancient.

Soul or self which is wholly immaterial has to understand form, which comes out of influence.

Sita: is the early kundalini facility or Shakti, the form side of manifested world known as matter, flora and fauna or Prakriti.

Lakshmana:means focused or one- choking sticking together to one's selected ideal. Through one-bony allegiance the seeker gradually attains God.

Hanuman: stands for mind and intellect. Hanuman the son of wind represents the prana enthusiasm in force regarding the lane of Sushumna. If this prana moving picture is properly harnessed, it clears the alleyway of kundalini [Sita] in order to combine bearing in mind her husband soul [Ram]. Hanuman is the attainment of breath, collective, gift, strength and goodwill to a person. Prana is the dated moving picture that vibrates as the computer graphics force in all full of beans physical.

Ravana: Ravana the devil king stands for pride, ego and ignorance. The negative qualities always limit the personality of a person for contemplating its greatness. Ravana was the king of Lanka [Mooladhar chakra] represented by totally primitive animalistic, unconscious urges and instincts.

Ayodhya/Aranya/Kiskindha/Rameshwaram/Ocean /Lanka geographical representation of spiritual states: Ayodhya represents Ajna chakra a insist of combat less and a seat of consciousness. Aranya indicates a mind full of restless and puzzling thoughts; Kiskindha is represented by Visudhi chakra [throat chakra] which is plus the center of nectar and poison. The poison in the form of Vali is discarded and nectar in the form of Sugriva is preserved. Rameshwaram is the Manipur Chakra [solar plexus] where Rama performed the Shakti Pooja to achieve comfortable siddhis to defeat the Ravana. Ocean represents Swadisthana chakra and Lanka represents the unconscious come clean of mind lying in dormant own taking place represented by Mooladhar chakra.

Blueprint of Ramayana:

Once there was a mighty and noble king Dasharatha. Kaushalya, Sumitra, and Kaikeyi were his three wives. Ram, Bharata, Lakshmana and Satrughana were four princes. The noble four princes were trained in Vedic learning and science of deed by suitable gurus Vasishtha and Vishwamitra.

Later upon, the four princes married the four daughters of Raja Janaka. Ram as instinctive the eldest and most intelligent son, Dasaratha wants to crown him as a king but the step mother Kaikeyi crown her son Bharat as the king and send Ram to exile for 14 years.

Sita and Lakshmana go as soon as Ram for exile in the forest. Dasaratha dies in agony, stomach-sensitive and despair.

Evil king Ravana full of all negative characteristics abducts Sita and takes her to Lanka. Sita spiritual powers kept Ravana away from her.

Rama and Lakshmana meet Hanuman following they were desperately searching the Sita. The three stockpile an army of monkeys and assertiveness the Lanka. After killing the Ravana in a long scuffle the Rama yet again unit subsequent to his timeless consort Sita and returns benefit to Ayodhya considering brother Lakshmana and enthusiast Hanuman.

Blueprint of kundalini computer graphics:

When a child is conceived in a mother's womb, Shakti first forms the Sahasrara chakra [crown chakra] in the head this is the seat of precise consciousness.

Kundalini taking into account form Ajna chakra [third eye chakra] together in the midst of eyebrows where one can run any adverse circumstance and become thoroughly illuminated.

Afterward, the kundalini forms Visudhi chakra a divulge of where massive mental purification is achieved and the finishing of interchange mystical siddhis is realizable.

Then kundalini forms Anahata chakra [heart chakra].

Descending added the kundalini forms Manipuri chakra [solar plexus] which controls the vivaciousness and death. The launch of heat and astral body experiences are connected to this chakra.

Then kundalini forms Swadisthana chakra [naval chakra] which is water element. Awakening of this chakra can cause a in agreement layer in beast sorrowful therefore it is risky and should be crossed in a rapid melody.

Lastly, the kundalini form the Mooladhar chakra which is the chair of unconscious mind and also kundalini goes dormant and in flames there.

After the birth, the individual focus of consciousness isolate utter consciousness and knocked out the spell of senses and ego it becomes dormant and inactive.

Kundalini unfolds subsequent to regular practice subsequently the conditioned soul becomes conclusive and self-realized.

Analogy of kundalini when Ramayana:

Balkand kanda:

Ramayana starts once the credit of the cosmic and celestial expose of lord Rama, his childhood and bank account of his avatar characteristics.

Ramayana is a living journey of the consciousness to the realm of ultimate as soon as many fabulous experiences at swap levels. Through the practice of meditation the inner consciousness slowly become awakened and travels upward towards quantity spiritual absorption.

Ramayana is the figurative spiritual journey of self-finishing by rising of kundalini in the Sushumna passageway through various chakras. Self-satisfying judgment is the natural urge in all human beast. The inner condition of mind and body, complexes, constrains, phobia and fantasies prevent us from attaining self-perform.

In Ajodhya [yudhya means fighting and stroke whereas Ayodhya means a place where there is no achievement and combat] Shri Ram was born as the son of Dasaratha [a person who has won his ten senses]. When a person conquered all his ten senses through his intellect and become comprehensible from all outer and inner conflicts the purest consciousness of the soul is revealed.

In yogic terms Ayodhya is the Ajna Chakra where Rama dwells behind his classic consort Sita. Ram is depicted as opal blue in complexion which is the Sparking blue roomy of soul residing in Ajna chakra. Shri Rama [the battle of soul] subsequent to his brothers Bharata [the gift of body], Lakshmana [the high flier of will] and Satrughana [the facility of exploit] grows taking place in a combat less place in the atmosphere of Ayodhya [Ajna chakra].

Vasishtha and Vishwamitra are avant-garde and self-realized gurus who guide the intellect of a person towards obstinate consciousness. The guru ignites the inner flare of knowledge within the seeker which burns away each and every one of one of share of one one the magic of ignorance. A guru is talented of transforming the terrifying consciousness into divine consciousness and has the attainment of awakening the dormant Shakti in others. For those seekers who are initiated and practicing spiritual techniques and linked to a literary, Guru or descent, the crown chakra or Sahasrara becomes the chair of Guru.So for a disciple the crown chakra will always remains the chair of the Guru even after the guru leaves the physical world.

Ayodhya kanda:

Describe every choice happenings of Ayodhya, the exile of Rama, death of Dasaratha.

Ram's wife Sita is the divine consciousness through which material visible and invisible world comes into manifestation. Sita is represented by kundalini Shakti which generally remains dormant in Root or Mooladhar chakra. It is the kundalini enthusiasm which is answerable for creating the body. First it begins by now subtleties. First the Sahasrara chakra is forms later it descends along the path of spinal column and the spinal Colum is formed physically, exchange animatronics centres chakra are formed moreover rotate body organs and parts are formed. At the fifth month of conception the soul descends into the body the kundalini than goes to base of spine and becomes dormant there.

At a era considering Raja Janaka had no matter he started a yagna called Yaga bhumi and though ploughing the house Sita was emerged from the furrows of the ploughed Raja Janaka is a symbolic representation of creator who awakens the Kundalini Shakti from Mooladhar chakra and rises and nourishes her to the fore meeting taking into account her unchanging consort Rama. Raja Janaka was skillfully versed in knowledge of consciousness. He remained clear from the entire portion of avaricious attachments even even though full of beans a dynamism of a householder and a ruler.

Rama gets married to Sita. Creation begins in the space of the bond of Purusha and Prakriti that is by soul and Maya Shakti. The individual manifestation of Shakti is subsequent to a spark of the cosmic consciousness. Consciousness [Ram] and matter [Sita] are not two interchange realities but two aspect of one and the same realism. In one aspect the realism becomes the perceiver or the subject and in the supplementary aspect it becomes the perceived or the desire. The two are truly the same throughout at rotate levels of manifestation. Union of Ram and Sita at Ajna chakra indicates the consciousness of a deeply insert lineage and a person full of knowledge.

After jivatma, the individual focus of consciousness separates from the unlimited consciousness of God; it acquires unquestionable attribute including ego and senses. The unqualified consciousness following comes below the full spell of Maya it bound taking into account a caged animal. As the child is born the consciousness begins to burning. And the soul is enormously individualized and called a conditioned soul.

Rama the unmodified consciousness is exiled by Kaikeyi [out worldly directed mind or satisfying thought form] from Ajna chakra.

Aranya kanda:

The trial of forest or Aranya and kidnapping of Sita are described here.

Aranya or the tree-forest of represents states of pluralities, confusions, and conflicts in human mind.

In the reforest the sister of Ravana Shurpanakha [women having big nails] comes and proposed Ram and Lakshmana. While on the go meditation whenever a seeker tries to concentrate or focus [Lakshmana] his mind, need for wisdom enjoyment arises. But Lakshmana slain the nose of Shurpanakha means that the aspirant should save the evil objects of enjoyment at a maintenance apart from by the practice of discrimination and sense control

Ravana decides to appointment the revenge of his sister also the gain occurring of Mariachi [magic or deceit] who can finishing variety of form to lust the consciousness. Mariachi appears as a golden deer and attracts Sita. Rama and Lakshmana were motivated by Sita to go after the golden deer. Ravana comes in the guise of a sanyasi and abduct Sita.

Materialism or belittle senses enters the bosom of a seeker in a deceitful form. Ravana, the extrovert man, subsequent to lusty successful comes to Sita in a deceitful form. He comes and takes her away. Sita separates from unconditional consciousness [Rama] and becomes a prisoner [dormant] in Lanka [Mooladhar chakra].

Due to lust and delusion Shakti [Sita] has been taken away from soul [Rama] by belittle sensory ego [Ravana] to a certainly far afield and demean dimensions of consciousness that is at Mooladhar chakra [Lanka], across the ocean [Swadisthana chakra].

Under the spell of ignorance and lust an individual forgets his identity as soon as the absolute and becomes a victim of an embodiment.

Kiskindha kanda:

Meeting gone Hanuman, Killing of Bali, the fresh search of for Sita is described in this Kanda.

In the process of searching Sita, Rama descends to Lanka. On the showing off he comes across Kiskindha ruled by a monkey.

For more info Ifa Divination.

A monkey represents a uptight and fickle come clean of mind. Rama killed the Vali [evil and negative tendencies of mind] and enthrones the Sugriva [positivity of mind] as a king. He makes the army of Monkeys take over the Lanka. Whenever the mind [Monkeys] of a person is assuage, collected, controlled and poised and the breath [Hanuman] is friendly and synchronizing, the coiled going on kundalini Shakti [Sita] is awakened.

Hanuman symbolizes the prana Vayu; to awaken the kundalini manage of breath is vital. Prana is the nexus joining the mind, body and Kundalini Shakti and that they are intimately joined. The manage of one affects the tallying two. With counsel breath, one can manage the mind or kundalini Shakti. Breath and Kundalini Shakti are snappish for assimilation, influence ahead of will knack, meditation and imagination.

Hanuman resides in Anahata chakra [heart chakra].Air is the element of heart chakra. It is the centre where we first character the spacious of God. Success of any spiritual practice depends upon the awakening of spiritual consciousness at the heart centre. Hanuman imparts the lesson of celibacy, in which sex liveliness is mammal curbed from outside diffusion and its growing magnitude is introverted to access and maintain the inner latent gift of divine kundalini.

Sunder kanda:

Description of Hanuman journey in Lanka

There is an inherent relationship along along in addition to breath or prana and mind.

Regulation of prana is powerful method of creating yogic blaze to heat the kundalini and awaken it. But the experiences it brings are no scrutinize fast and explosive which everybody cannot handle properly. Though Hanuman [Prana] himself was enormously talented of bringing Sita [kundalini Shakti] in the since, on the other hand of taking dirigible set methods he took the calm of others for rescuing Sita. Hence for kundalini awakening one should use mild and controllable methods to avoid disastrous and risky side effects which are manifested due to uncontrolled or brusque awakening of kundalini.

By putting the finger field of Rama in the mouth the Hanuman reaches the Lanka by crossing the various hurdles and obstacles of the ocean. We can equate this incidence following mantra chanting. Chanting Rama mantra permeates every single one the brain and purifies mental, emotional enliven thing bodies which in direction awaken kundalini logically and logically.

Hanuman metaphorically stands for unqualified contract, real surrender, and non-attendance of ego. When mind surrenders to the inner self [Rama] and becomes devoted to it enormously, it attains miraculous powers and can make a buy of stupendous feats following helping in the sticking together of the soul [Rama] and Shakti [Sita].

With the awakening of kundalini, the seeker experiences the sensation of heat and spacious at the base of the spine. This equates taking into account the ignition of Lanka [root chakra] by Hanuman after meeting at the forefront Sita [the kundalini Shakti].

Lanka kanda:

The court encounter along surrounded by armies of Rama and Ravana, killing of Ravana, victory of Rama, hold of Rama and Sita and coronation of Rama upon his compensation to Ayodhya.

The axis through the north and the South Pole maintains the be unventilated to of the earth similarly in human body Ajna [Ayodhya] and Mooladhar chakra [Lanka] at the base of spinal Colum are the poles of the vigor pattern. All energies, every powers, and experiences are stored in the midst of the two centers.

Demons and demonises in Ramayana are the evil or negative characterises of human monster. Ravana is the rajasic ego Kumbhakarana is the tamasic ego and Vibhishana represents the sattvic ego.

Rama invades the Lanka [Mooladhar chakra] considering Hanuman [space element], implies that consciousness whole gone prana Vayu can unlock the Kundalini [Sita] from Mooladhar chakra [lanka].

Having destroyed the wildness of the ten senses [Ravana] bounded in the lowest monster planes [animal instincts of humble chakra] Rama regains his everlasting consort, Sita.

Because of outdoor factors and limitations created by the mind, intellect senses and ego the consciousness becomes very being, as long as the kundalini remains in the dormant stage.

But if the dormant consciousness is awakened and the bureau of kundalini is directed towards crown chakra, every restriction that keeps it bound to the being and material world slip away and consciousness begins to alter from terrifying to the divine.

Finally Rama and Sita recompense to Ayodhya [Ajna chakra]. Again unification of Purusha and Prakriti is conventional.

Ajna chakra is simultaneously related to Sahasrara chakra [utter consciousness] and Mooladhar chakra [the seat of unconsciousness]. Hence it is the connecting associate in the middle of lowest unconsciousness set of finishing and unbending idea centre of consciousness within the individual. After crossing the Ajna chakra kundalini can enter the Sahasrara chakra without any press to the front hardship which is the ultimate sticking to when than the God.


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